Emerging Theologians: Theology from the Classroom

Following reports published recently in the British media, the state of Religious Studies in secondary schools across the country has been criticised greatly. The poor quality of education is being delivered by teachers who either have no extensive knowledge of the subject, or who are not at all qualified to teach RS; needless to say this has a negative impact on young people's understanding of the world faiths and ultimately may lead to a skewed and flawed impression of religions that are (perhaps) Continue reading [...]

Theodicy: Theology’s Biggest Problem?

Every time I am questioned about my faith and theological views, the conversation that follows my response is almost certainly, always full of challenge and scepticism surrounding my idea of Christianity and God. This is an understandable outcome. It is no secret that the problem of evil, theodicy, is one of the greatest challenges posed to belief in God not merely in the contemporary world, but throughout the history of humanity's relationship with the divine. How can one justify the belief in and Continue reading [...]

12 Theses of Theology from a Liberal.

As the end of my formal theological education approaches, I thought I'd share my theses for theology that should be considered when taking this age-old discipline into the future¹. Of course these theses demonstrate a fairly radically liberal approach to theology, but hopefully when read as a whole, they will make sense and convince you that if theology and belief in religion is to continue into the future, there is no other way to approach Christianity but from a liberal perspective. I shan't Continue reading [...]

A beginner’s guide to theology.

Well, first off might I start by bidding you a good evening (or good night if you want to be pedantic), or indeed good morning if you've already changed your clocks. It has been far too long since my last update and I do feel slightly guilty, but university work has been a priority recently and has put me off writing to you for a while. Nonetheless, I'm writing now and on a topic which I promised to write about a few months ago, after I'd written my essay on it. I'm pleased to say that my Sources Continue reading [...]