Theodicy: Theology’s Biggest Problem?

Every time I am questioned about my faith and theological views, the conversation that follows my response is almost certainly, always full of challenge and scepticism surrounding my idea of Christianity and God. This is an understandable outcome. It is no secret that the problem of evil, theodicy, is one of the greatest challenges posed to belief in God not merely in the contemporary world, but throughout the history of humanity's relationship with the divine. How can one justify the belief in and Continue reading [...]

Where is God? Searching for a new way to justify God’s existence in the face of evil.

1.0  Introduction The fact of evil constitutes the most serious objection to the Christian belief in a God of love. (Hick 1988: ix) The above quote from John Hick explains that the biggest problem faced by belief in the traditional Christian God of love, is the fact that evil and suffering exist in the world, and that these notions are incompatible with each other (Bowker 2004: 968). One may often hear the question asked: “why if God is so loving and all-powerful, does He allow bad things to Continue reading [...]