Science & Religion: Bridging the Gap

Following yesterday's article regarding the importance of religious studies in schools, I felt it important to address one of the potential issues regarding society's growing attitude towards religion as a whole. It may be seen that the growth and expansion of scientific knowledge has led to religion being placed on the back burner when it comes to knowing about the world. The essay below attempts to counter this assumption by discussing the links between the theory of natural selection, and Continue reading [...]

A beginner’s guide to theology.

Well, first off might I start by bidding you a good evening (or good night if you want to be pedantic), or indeed good morning if you've already changed your clocks. It has been far too long since my last update and I do feel slightly guilty, but university work has been a priority recently and has put me off writing to you for a while. Nonetheless, I'm writing now and on a topic which I promised to write about a few months ago, after I'd written my essay on it. I'm pleased to say that my Sources Continue reading [...]

Philosophical musings: Life after death

The following is an extended essay in response to the question "Only a belief in an embodied existence after death is philosophically justifiable. Discuss" for my A-level Philosophy coursework written between September '08 and January '09. The piece only attained a D grade, however, I believe this was due to the piece's deterring from the original question. I feel that the essay raised some interesting points and I wanted to share it with you. Please feel free to leave your comments. An embodied Continue reading [...]