God, Jesus and the paternity argument that ended in divorce.

Good afternoon to you all, and I believe Happy New Year is in order? Yes indeed, this is my first blog post of 2011 and what better way to kick off the New Year with a very inspiring and interesting ramble of the philosophical type! I must concede, that it is to my very good friend and fellow classmate (and philosopher) Ryan Michejew/Kisel I owe the inspiration needed to even considering writing this; so a thousand "thank you"s. I guess to all of you of reading this who couldn't care less about Continue reading [...]

Merry Christmas!

Hello all! I've been a disgrace. I have not written to you in over a month and a half and the last of my posts was merely a link for some Michael Jackson fans to download snippets of the then upcoming songs from his new album. So for that you have my sincere apologies. I can't even use the excuse that I've had nothing to write about, because let's face it, the political scene in the UK hasn't been excellent as of late; with me moaning to my housemates about the ridiculous scenes in London a few Continue reading [...]

Philosophical musings: Life after death

The following is an extended essay in response to the question "Only a belief in an embodied existence after death is philosophically justifiable. Discuss" for my A-level Philosophy coursework written between September '08 and January '09. The piece only attained a D grade, however, I believe this was due to the piece's deterring from the original question. I feel that the essay raised some interesting points and I wanted to share it with you. Please feel free to leave your comments. An embodied Continue reading [...]

It’s been a long day, so let’s round things up.

As the title says, it indeed has been a very long day and one filled with drama, both personal and political. I've moved house which, let's face it, is never an easy task especially when my mother is involved. After only two hours of living in the new flat she was on to the landlord informing him that we were locked in because the front door lock was jammed and could not be opened - a great start to a new life! Another personal drama; I had the clippers used on my hair for the first time in about Continue reading [...]

A very belated take on the coalition government

I must apologise for the absence of any post yesterday, the trials and tribulations of A-level English Language tore me away from my beloved audience and blog readers. With the housekeeping bit in order let's get down to business. So, we have a new government, a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition - the best outcome? After watching the press conference from prime minister David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg yesterday (http://bit.ly/9s4UDN) one would have to say yes. The appointment of Continue reading [...]