A very belated take on the coalition government

Prime Minister David Cameron (R) and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg hold their first joint press conference in the Downing Street gardenI must apologise for the absence of any post yesterday, the trials and tribulations of A-level English Language tore me away from my beloved audience and blog readers.

With the housekeeping bit in order let’s get down to business. So, we have a new government, a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition – the best outcome? After watching the press conference from prime minister David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg yesterday (http://bit.ly/9s4UDN) one would have to say yes. The appointment of five Liberal Democrat MPs to the cabinet and with over 20 ministerial jobs, the third place party (with whom my support coincidentally lies) have got a very good deal indeed.

The two Oxbridge graduates seemed to get on very well, even indulging in a joke made by Cameron during the election campaign; there definitely seems to be a lot of chemistry between the two. We’ve already seen that both parties are willing to compromise on policy, reaching a common ground – with the gradual introduction of Lib Dem tax reform and the Conservative’s firm stance on Trident and Europe, things seem to, for the moment look promising for the budding new prime minister.

But don’t think there won’t be trials ahead, there’s bound to be some sort of stirring in the public with the proposed referendum on the alternative vote and the rather bizarre scenario that Clegg will be taking prime minister’s questions when Cameron goes on paternity leave next year. So, let’s get this straight. A Liberal Democrat ‘acting prime minister’ will be expected to answer questions on Conservative policy? That’s just mad.

Anyway, I have good feelings about the coalition, as I blogged earlier in the week this could really be the start of something brilliant for the Liberals and who knows, it may work but there are already sceptics only two days after David Cameron took office (http://bit.ly/9uVjst).

Still, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the next five years. Please feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter, Facebook or indeed on this site itself.


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