I genuinely think this could be the last election under our current system

Change. It’s a funny concept when it comes to politics, isn’t it? One of the questions in last night’s seven-way leaders’ debate on the BBC was all about politicians making promises they never keep once in office. It’s one of the tropes that plagues British politics – in fact, all politics probably. The common belief is that nothing ever really changes apart from the man or woman at the top. But this time feels different. I genuinely think this election could be the last fought under our current electoral system.

Change. It's a funny concept when it comes to politics, isn't it? One of the questions in last night's seven-way leaders' debate on the BBC was all about politicians making promises they never keep once in office. It's one of the tropes that plagues British politics - in fact, all politics probably. The common belief is that nothing ever really changes apart from the man or woman at the top. But this time feels different. I genuinely think this election could be the last fought under our current electoral system. Continue reading [...]

Sunak goes to the country, and not a moment too soon – but the result ain’t a foregone conclusion.

He finally did it. Sunak succumbed to the reality that, unlike the D:Ream song that blared in the background throughout his announcement this afternoon, things really aren’t going to get much better than they are right now.

He finally did it. Sunak succumbed to the reality that, unlike the D:Ream song that blared in the background throughout his announcement this afternoon, things really aren't going to get much better than they are right now. Continue reading [...]

There’s only one choice this year

This year is an election year. We now know this for certain, as Rishi Sunak confirmed as much in an interview the BBC on Thursday 4 January. Exactly when the election will take place is still yet to be seen, despite Sunak’s unconvincing line that his working assumption is that it will be in the second half of the year. With an election on the horizon, we are presented with an opportunity to choose. And for my money, there’s only one clear choice.

This year is an election year. We now know this for certain, as Rishi Sunak confirmed as much in an interview the BBC on Thursday 4 January. Exactly when the election will take place is still yet to be seen, despite Sunak's unconvincing line that his working assumption is that it will be in the second half of the year. With an election on the horizon, we are presented with an opportunity to choose. And for my money, there's only one clear choice. Continue reading [...]