Corbyn’s a Principled Man: But He Cares Nothing About the Future of the Labour Party

I'm not normally one to comment on the affairs or issues of political parties other than my own (the Liberal Democrats in case you didn't know), but the fallout from Thursday's referendum and its impact on the Labour Party has got me and indeed the whole nation wondering just what the hell is going on. Whilst it may be fair to comment that media outlets, in particular the BBC is lending far too much airtime to the leadership crisis as opposed to the clear incompetence and ineptitude of leave campaigners, Continue reading [...]

A Mock(ery) Election

The past few months have seen nothing but antagonistic and negative press regarding the Labour leadership contest. Seeing the papers this morning is no different and this whole business really angers me. This enitre leadership  contest has been a joke and has made a mockery of the Labour Party. Whilst the Liberal Democrats elected our leader quietly and with dignity, Labour have opened a public blood-bath and are tearing themselves apart. What trust can/should the British public put in a party Continue reading [...]